AdaptoWurx- Adaptogen Supplement

August 12, 2017

What are adaptogens?

What are Adaptogens, and why would Wurx make an Adaptogen product?
            Adaptogens are a group of traditional herbs (mainly from Russia, China and India) that make your body more resilient to stress of any kind (mental, physical)...and as the root of the name implies, they help you adapt.  To qualify as an Adaptogen, the herbs must:
  1. Be completely safe.
  2. Modulate your stress response
  3. Support overall health and promote homeostasis.
So why include a crazy product like this in our Wurx lineup?  The same reason the Russians studied these herbs so extensively 60 years ago...Adaptogens are ultra effective at maximizing the human body’s full potential and modulating stress.  Excess stress (of every kind) is debilitating at all levels...cortisol levels go through the roof, causing a deteriorating cascade of problems from mental and adrenal fatigue to muscle catabolism.  All types of exercise by necessity place the body in a state of stress, that’s the whole point of exercising and working want to stress the body to ADAPT to a higher level.  But the body also needs to level out those stress levels, and nothing compares to AdaptoWurx at allowing your body to have enough stress to grow but keeping your hormone levels and body in overall homeostasis, promoting maximal growth!
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As per the Wurx modus operandi, we always strive to bring you the highest quality ingredients in the most effective doses.  We of course continue this tradition in our selection of premium Adaptogens, including 3 trademarked ingredients, blended together in the ideal amounts to maximize each herbs unique benefits.
Here’s the ingredient breakdown:
  • Strength and Recovery: KSM-66® (Ashwagandha) 300 mg / Jiaogulan 275 mg
    • With the combination of these 2 Adaptogenic herbs, AdaptoWurx primes your body for maximal strength gains while reducing recovery time from your workouts. Backed by 9 clinical studies, KSM-66® assists with everything from muscle recovery and strength gains to increasing time to exhaustion in trained athletes.  KSM-66® also may reduce stress perception and modulates cortisol levels...protecting muscle from being catabolized by cortisol production. And the powerhouse Jiaogulan naturally boosts energy and strength levels, kicking overall physical performance to higher levels.  Recent studies also how that Jiaogulan may promote exercise endurance, reduce fatigue and improve heart function.
  • Brain Booster: Eleuthero Root 250 mg
    • This Adaptogen is relatively unknown generally, but it’s brain boosting and energy boosting properties are second to none. When you work long hours, train long hours and sleep short hours, the brain starts to fog up.  You start to burn out.   Eleuthero has been shown to boost blood flow to the brain and provide an increase in work capacity by optimizing oxygen efficiency.  Nothing like more blood to the brain to get you dialed in!
  • Endurance and Stamina: Rhodiola5Plus (Rhodiola rosea) 200 mg / Maral Root 150 mg
    • To find the perfect Adaptogens for endurance, you have to look in the harshest climate: Siberia. These 2 herbs thrive in some of the most brutal conditions on earth, and the key to their endurance is in the plant itself.  Once a favorite herb for Russian Olympians (before the steroid era) Rhodiola is a potent adaptogen to combat mental and physical fatigue, pushing the Russian Olympians to their maximal endurance levels.  Current studies have shown everything from increased time to exhaustion to reduced muscle damage post training.  In Russia, Rhodiola is almost always taken with Maral Root, the Adaptogen known to enhance overall athletic performance by postponing fatigue, maximizing stamina and increasing the rate at which ATP is restored.  It has both anabolic and adaptogenic properties; improving memory, and increasing working capacity of tired muscles and promoting muscle growth.
  • Energy, Immunity and Overall Well-Being: Panax Ginseng 75 mg / XandraPure™ (Schisandra chinensis) 150 mg
    • No Adaptogen product would be complete without the most well known Adaptogen, Panax Ginseng. A staple herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine with uses ranging from heart health to fighting inflammation, AdaptoWurx includes an ultra pure Panax Ginseng, purified to 80% Ginsenosides, for all of it’s energy and immune boosting properties.  Used in conjustion with Schisandra chinensis, the Adaptogenic properties of both herbs are amplified.  This exotic berry, also known as the Five Flavor Berry, helps regulate overall stress on the body, increases energy, combats fatigue and promotes an overall sense of well-being. 
What is the recommended use?
As a dietary supplement, On exercise days, consume 2 capsules 30-45 minutes prior to exercise. On non-exercise days consume 2 capsules in the morning. For optimal results consume daily for 4 weeks followed by 2 weeks of non-use.
How long does AdaptoWurx last?
Each bottle of AdaptoWurx last 30 days. A bottle contains 60 capsules, with a serving size of 2 capsules daily.
Who can take AdaptoWurx?
AdaptoWurx is designed for all healthy males and females 18 years of age or older. Designed for anybody with excess stress (student, parent, athlete, entrepreneur, human, etc). AdaptoWurx is the ideal product to help you balance out stress and maximize potential.
Is AdaptoWurx Safe?
AdaptoWurx is safe to use, and highly effective when stacked with other Wurx products. It is made from all natural ingredients and as an Adaptogen product, it is completely safe.  Please consult your physician prior to use if you are nursing, pregnant, taking medication, or have a medical condition. best adaptogens


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